People believe in many different things, but there is only one faith that saves. Below, click on the group you belong to and let yourself be inspired. Press the play icon to watch a video, and click the down arrow for extra content.
For Newagers
An ex-New Ager turned Christian after having a born-again experience with Jesus Christ. This is his testimony of how he came out of the deception of the New Age movement.
On YouTube there are hundreds of videos about people from New Age who turned to Jesus – and were born again. You can most certainly find one to mirror yourself in. Press the pearl:
For Muslims
Who do you believe in the most? The Quran or the Imam? Hear what the prophet Mohammed says about Isa/Jesus. Jesus is mentioned 25 times in the Quran – Mohammed only four times. Study the astonishing claims the Quran has about Jesus/Isa! With Danish subtitles.
Here you can see lots of videos about Muslims who came to Jesus – and got a new heart. Press the pearl:
For Jehovah Witnesses
The If You Are Thinking of Leaving JW, please Listen David Bercot’s talk. He was a former Jehovah’s Witness with an extensive knowledge and experience of the teachings of the Watchtower Society. He shares how he eventually discovered the true message of the Gospel.
Other videos from David Bercot on Jehoha’s Witnesses. Press the pearl:
For Mormons
Hayley shares her reasons for leaving the LDS church and explains why her faith is different today.
Was Joseph Smith lying to Mormons when he gave his new “scripture” the Book of Abraham? Check it out for yourself. Press the pearl:
For Substance Abusers
I – the webmaster – tell my crazy story on how I was delivered from a demonic substance abuse.
You will find inspiration in other great testimonies. Press the pearl:
For Evolutionists
The Kinesin Motor Protein is just one example showing, that there is no such thing as simple life. It’s s extremely complicated. This is just one small miracle of creation out of thousands that shows there is a Creator. Evolutionism is based on faith. Creationism on facts!
For the Historically Skeptical
10 great archaeological discoveries that give evidence Christianity is true! Mindblowing concrete evidence of Christianity, the Bible and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you think history history has been manipulated, this video is for you. Please see for yourself!