
7 fortællinger om den forvandling, som sker med et menneske, når det får et reelt møde med Jesus. Jhn 3:16. Jhn 1:12. På Google kan du finde hundredvis af den slags historier – også én, som ligner dit liv og den situation, du står i lige nu. Søg f.eks. ”I met Jesus“ eller ”Christian testimony story“ på Google/video.

Colton's Rescue

Colton grew up in a loving Christian family but a moment of peer pressure led him to “breaking up with God”. His life spiralled out of control. Being lost, he was found – by Jesus.

Samira Marikh's Story

Samira Marikh was a muslim woman who encountered Jesus in an extraordinary way. Access her YouTube channel and watch other great videos on Muslims meeting Jesus.

Christina's Journey

Christina was from a broken home. She was homeless and hated God, until something supernatural happened. She called upon Jesus – and was heard! And got a whole new beginning.

Casper Christensens trosrejse

TV-mand og komiker Casper Christensen gik i terapi, for at få et bedre liv. Hans terapeut gav ham det råd, at han skulle kalde på Jesus. Han blev hørt og fik en helt ny begyndelse.

Seeking Allah - Finding Jesus

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus tells a powerful and thought-provoking story of the clash between Islam and Christianity in one man’s heart – and the peace and joy he found in Jesus Christ.

Webmasters historie

Webmasters historie. Per var fanget i alkohol og stoffer – og af dæmoner. Hør hvordan Jesus mødte ham op til flere gange og overbeviste ham om synd, dom og retfærdighed!

Anorexia and Depression Gone

Mia’s story on how Jesus saved her from anorexia, anxiety and depression. Ever since she has put all her trust in Jesus. He changed her way of life radically and gave her a new view of the world.